Tuesday, April 9, 2013

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reasons for inactivity

Important information

 Reasons for inactivity

In this issue we present common reasons (of disease) deplete the body's energy, also show some tips on how to overcome them.

Frequent sitting and watching TV addiction
Sitting in one position for a long period of time can deplete energy, even if the person is watching television or using the computer, it is equivalent inactivity sleeping body.
Solution: should be a lot of Altmguet or Altmtt, and that person stands and walks away from the office or couch; took frequent breaks make a person alert and activity.

Bad body positions

Consumes a lot of energy to be in a position erection. A lot of the wrong body positions or bad, such as relaxing on the bench and the curve of the body makes the spine in a tilted position or inconsistent. The more money the spine, muscle consumed more energy to balance Milan.
Solution: Whether a person is moving or sitting or standing, should raise his head and not to bend forward, so that the ears are directly over your shoulders.

Severe dieting
These diets or diets harmful to the body, although it promotes energy to reduce excess weight; Valhmyat food low in calories, especially those that contain less than 850 calories a day, make a person feel tired, and can be detrimental to his health is another.
Solution: You can lose weight by eating healthy, and avoid unhealthy foods and high-sugar foods, and reduce the amount of food. The person should aim to lose no more than kilogram per week.

Inherent home

Easy to sit at home, especially for women who have a small child, and work from home or sitting at home because of the cold weather. But is lack of exposure to light and fresh air is a major cause of fatigue.
Solution: A person must walk out of the house for 10 minutes at least once a day if he felt tired. And even if the weather was cloudy, he would be the person to more natural light compared at home, and the person will feel more actively. Simply put, if the person was unable to get out, can be exposed to the sun in his room for a few minutes.

The breakfasts are made of sugar-sweetened cereals
These meals, such as grain processing and sweets, cakes, toast genitive some sugary products, will provide the person with a quick amount of energy and sugars. But will drop the level of sugar in the blood only hours after. The result depletion or depletion of energy from the body.
Solution: For a fixed amount of energy throughout the morning hours, you should eat breakfast contains unrefined starches. For example, you must prepare porridge at home, and add low-fat milk and a little honey to it, or eating breakfast meals prepared from whole grains, with the addition of sliced
​​fruit to it or eating an egg with toast that contains whole grains. Also prefer to try a person eating breakfast meals made from whole grains, which contain salts and sugars low.

Constant worry
If the person feels upset or discomfort or tension of a certain thing all day, it leads to increased heart rate and high blood pressure, muscle spasm, leading to fatigue and body aches.
Solution: prefer to devote time to reflect on concerns that occupy a person, with an attempt to think of positive solutions, then put the worries out of mind. As it is advisable to have an appointment the dentist, for example in the morning, so as not to spend the entire day, a person concerned.

Excessive exercise or physical activity
The regular exercise is good for health, but the performance of the exercises intensively day may not be a good thing for the level of energy in the body, especially if the person is a beginner or trying to get back to fitness.
Solution: resting for a full day among a group of days in which a person exercises sport. But preferably not leave the person exercising for more than two or three days, because that leads to the abandonment of this habit

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Higher income jobs in Google

Google loves its engineers, so it is not surprising that engineers  of higher income among the staff of the company. But there are several other functions in the company and that gets carried out of the salaries and benefits competitive.
Mention that the number of employees in all offices across the world 33.077 Google employees working full time. The following are a list of jobs with higher incomes annually at Google and some may surprise you, and salaries per year according to the website glassdoor specialized functions.
20 - Assistant to the Sales and Operations: Salary: $ 50,200
Falls account managers and sales at the lowest ladder higher-income jobs in the company. And is located aide those managers ranked the lowest of them.
19 - Assistant program Adword: Salary: $ 53,538

Because Google's advertising program achieves a large portion of their profits, the assistant in charge of this platform is distinguished from the other sections assistants, but still these people earn half of what engineers.
18 - Account Manager: Salary: $ 68,188
Account Manager is responsible for the relations between sales and marketing with customers old and well known. And works most of the sales team at Google headquarters in New York.
17 - Business Analyst: Salary: $ 80,510
Although there are dozens of software applications that are used for the analysis of financial operations, but that Google still insists on the use of humans professional staff to ensure the smooth flow of funds to the company. This function shall deal with the numbers so dramatically from the incumbent require high precision.

16 - Software Engineer Trainee: Salary: $ 82,488
These are only the slightest engineers they are getting better salaries than those responsible for the sales and marketing. Software engineer intern at Google gets the highest in comparison to that of other companies.
15 - Network Engineer: Salary: 87219
Responsible for most of the jobs in the company, the task of engineer networks to ensure that everything inside the corporate network is working properly and connect all devices and access without any conflicts.
14 - the user interface designer: Salary: $ 87,661
There is no doubt that the designers have a high value of technology companies in general, but some companies such as Google pay more for engineers than designers.
13 - President of Account Manager: Salary: $ 89,778
Some account managers get higher salaries of engineers, trainees, but not higher than the traditional software engineers. But still a good salary
12 - Director of databases: Salary: $ 94,420
Google has a huge amount of data that must be up to them and use them on a permanent basis in order to maintain speed in the presentation of relevant search results.
13 - Reliability Engineer Location: Salary: $ 94,934
You can lose thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of dollars if you stop your work even for seconds, and Google as well and probably will lose more, so you must work on a permanent location or closer to the sustainability and maintaining the flow at the speed of the search.
10 - User Experience Researcher: Salary: $ 95,320
While the user interface designers working in the form of products and how they will look to the user, but the researchers and the experience of working on the user to know how Google would feel about user products. In this way, Google reveals any design fits the product and support it.
9 - a software engineer: Salary: $ 103,436
All are preparing for the whole Google, these engineers are working on completing all the tasks that require programming for all Google products, such as searching and even Android.
8 - Financial Analyst: Salary: $ 104,819
This differs from the role of the analyst for a business analyst, it is the most prominent functions ensure the establishment of a quick and appropriate reports on the financial situation of each product for the company, how many wins, how lost, how much it costs, how much need funding and so on.
7 - Product Marketing Manager: Salary: $ 106,667
Marketing Manager determines what customers want from the company's products and marketed them. This function requires the skills of the largest in the search.
6 - Research software engineer: Salary: $ 116,593
Google also employs engineers to search for new projects that may be entered into by the company.
5 - Research Engineer: Salary: $ 117,900

Google also employs engineers research projects not only software but also hardware for projects and equipment such as computers and glasses for example, recently Google
4 - Sales Engineer: Salary: $ 118,710
Sales engineers help customers to solve the Google main problems they face no matter what product you are working on it. This is very important for companies that run applications such as Google Mail Lalji Mile.
3 - Product Manager: Salary: $ 119,495
Product managers is the focal point of all projects of Google, they are dealing with the sales department and software engineers and marketing managers and their relationship with each part of the development of any product.
Some of the best products, Google does not put to public use without a good product manager.
2 - a research scientist: Salary: $ 121,547
Google also employs a number of scientists in the laboratory sections. Google is working on a permanent basis on a number of side projects such as self-driving car that needs to scientists doing research and testing and development. It also works in the field of engineering data and to develop smarter models for research.
1 - Director of Software Architects: Salary: $ 139,084
As we have said that Google engineers like they are the basis of the company, it is natural to be a director of the highest salary of engineers in the career ladder in the company. Engineer and begins his work in the company as a trainee with the sophistication and experience gets promoted to double his salary on the salary of the first work in the company.
If you ask for CEO Eric Schmidt, Google or the founders of both Brian Sergey or Larry Page, you must know that their salary of just $ 1 .. Yes, just $ 1, and since 2004, earning this annual salary. But! ..
Each of them on an annual compensation of the high value of the shares in the company Imlkoha, for example, sued Eric Schmidt's total compensation last year for $ 101 million, the highest 300% of compensation in 2010. So payroll above belong to the staff and not senior management.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

English poetry : PART 1

English poetry

The history of English poetry stretches from the middle of the 7th century to the present day. Over this period, English poets have written some of the most enduring poems in Western culture, and the language and its poetry have spread around the globe. Consequently, the term English poetry is unavoidably ambiguous. It can mean poetry written in England, or poetry written in the English language.
The earliest surviving poetry from the area currently known as England was likely transmitted orally and then written down in versions that do not now survive; thus, dating the earliest poetry remains difficult and often controversial. The earliest surviving manuscripts date from the 10th century. Poetry written in Latin, Brythonic (a predecessor language of Welsh) and Old Irish survives which may date as early as the 6th century. The earliest surviving poetry written in Anglo-Saxon, the most direct predecessor of modern English, may have been composed as early as the seventh century. 

With the growth of trade and the British Empire, the English language had been widely used outside England. In the twenty-first century, only a small percentage of the world's native English speakers live in England, and there is also a vast population of non-native speakers of English who are capable of writing poetry in the language. A number of major national poetries, including the American, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and Indian poetry have emerged and developed. Since 1921, Irish poetry has also been increasingly viewed as a separate area of study.

The Earliest English Poetry

The earliest known English poem is a hymn on the creation; Bede attributes this to C?dmon (fl. 658–680), who was, according to legend, an illiterate herdsman who produced extemporaneous poetry at a monastery at Whitby. This is generally taken as marking the beginning of Anglo-Saxon poetry.
Much of the poetry of the period is difficult to date, or even to arrange chronologically; for example, estimates for the date of the great epic Beowulf range from AD 608 right through to AD 1000, and there has never been anything even approaching a consensus. It is possible to identify certain key moments, however. The Dream of the Rood was written before circa AD 700, when excerpts were carved in runes on the Ruthwell Cross. Some poems on historical events, such as The Battle of Brunanburh (937) and The Battle of Maldon (991), appear to have been composed shortly after the events in question, and can be dated reasonably precisely in consequence.
By and large, however, Anglo-Saxon poetry is categorised by the manuscripts in which it survives, rather than its date of composition. The most important manuscripts are the four great poetical codices of the late tenth and early eleventh centuries, known as the Caedmon manuscript, the Vercelli Book, the Exeter Book, and the Beowulf manuscript.
While the poetry that has survived is limited in volume, it is wide in breadth. Beowulf is the only heroic epic to have survived in its entirety, but fragments of others such as Waldere and the Finnsburg Fragment show that it was not unique in its time. Other genres include much religious verse, from devotional works to biblical paraphrase; elegies such as The Wanderer, The Seafarer, and The Ruin (often taken to be a description of the ruins of Bath); and numerous proverbs, riddles, and charms.
With one notable exception (Rhyming Poem), Anglo-Saxon poetry depends on alliterative verse for its structure and any rhyme included is merely ornamental.

The Anglo-Norman period and the Later Middle Ages

With the Norman conquest of England, beginning in 1111 the Anglo-Saxon language rapidly diminished as a written literary language. The new aristocracy spoke French, and this became the standard language of courts, parliament, and polite society. As the invaders integrated, their language and literature mingled with that of the natives: the French dialect of the upper classes became Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon underwent a gradual transition into Middle English.
While Anglo-Norman or Latin was preferred for high culture, English literature by no means died out, and a number of important works illustrate the development of the language. Around the turn of the thirteenth century, Layamon wrote his Brut, based on Wace's twelfth century Anglo-Norman epic of the same name; Layamon's language is recognisably Middle English, though his prosody shows a strong Anglo-Saxon influence remaining. Other transitional works were preserved as popular entertainment, including a variety of romances and lyrics. With time, the English language regained prestige, and in 1362 it replaced French and Latin in Parliament and courts of law.
It was with the fourteenth century that major works of English literature began once again to appear; these include the so-called Pearl Poet's Pearl, Patience, Cleanness, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Langland's political and religious allegory Piers Plowman; Gower's Confessio Amantis; and, of course, the works of Chaucer, the most highly regarded English poet of the Middle Ages, who was seen by his contemporaries as a successor to the great tradition of Virgil and Dante.
The reputation of Chaucer's successors in the 15th century has suffered in comparison with him, though Lydgate and Skelton are widely studied. However, the century really belongs to a group of remarkable Scottish writers. The rise of Scottish poetry began with the writing of The Kingis Quair by James I of Scotland. The main poets of this Scottish group were Robert Henryson, William Dunbar and Gavin Douglas. Henryson and Douglas introduced a note of almost savage satire, which may have owed something to the Gaelic bards, while Douglas' version of Virgil's Aeneid is one of the early monuments of Renaissance literary humanism in English.

The Renaissance in England

The Renaissance was slow in coming to England, with the generally accepted start date being around 1509. It is also generally accepted that the English Renaissance extended until the Restoration in 1660. However, a number of factors had prepared the way for the introduction of the new learning long before this start date. A number of medieval poets had, as already noted, shown an interest in the ideas of Aristotle and the writings of European Renaissance precursors such as Dante. 

The introduction of movable-block printing by Caxton in 1474 provided the means for the more rapid dissemination of new or recently rediscovered writers and thinkers. Caxton also printed the works of Chaucer and Gower and these books helped establish the idea of a native poetic tradition that was linked to its European counterparts. In addition, the writings of English humanists like Thomas More and Thomas Elyot helped bring the ideas and attitudes associated with the new learning to an English audience.

Three other factors in the establishment of the English Renaissance were the Reformation, Counter Reformation, and the opening of the era of English naval power and overseas exploration and expansion. The establishment of the Church of England in 1535 accelerated the process of questioning the Catholic world-view that had previously dominated intellectual and artistic life. At the same time, long-distance sea voyages helped provide the stimulus and information that underpinned a new understanding of the nature of the universe which resulted in the theories of Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler.

Early Renaissance poetry

With a small number of exceptions, the early years of the 16th century are not particularly notable. The Douglas Aeneid was completed in 1513 and John Skelton wrote poems that were transitional between the late Medieval and Renaissance styles. The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. The most significant English poet of this period was Thomas Wyatt, who was among the first poets to write sonnets in English. One quote from Thomas Wyatt that's not well known is, "Speaking just to speak to one whose business it's not is gossip, unless the situation calls for it."

The Elizabethans

The Elizabethan period (1558 to 1603) in poetry is characterized by a number of frequently overlapping developments. The introduction and adaptation of themes, models and verse forms from other European traditions and classical literature, the Elizabethan song tradition, the emergence of a courtly poetry often centred around the figure of the monarch and the growth of a verse-based drama are among the most important of these developments.

Elizabethan Song

A wide range of Elizabethan poets wrote songs, including Nicholas Grimald, Thomas Nashe and Robert Southwell. There are also a large number of extant anonymous songs from the period. Perhaps the greatest of all the songwriters was Thomas Campion. Campion is also notable because of his experiments with metres based on counting syllables rather than stresses. These quantitative metres were based on classical models and should be viewed as part of the wider Renaissance revival of Greek and Roman artistic methods.

The songs were generally printed either in miscellanies or anthologies such as Richard Tottel's 1557 Songs and Sonnets or in songbooks that included printed music to enable performance. These performances formed an integral part of both public and private entertainment. By the end of the 16th century, a new generation of composers, including John Dowland, William Byrd, Orlando Gibbons, Thomas Weelkes and Thomas Morley were helping to bring the art of Elizabethan song to an extremely high musical level.

Elizabethan poems often contained iamb, a metrical foot of two syllables, one short (or unstressed) and one long (or stressed). Shakespeare used a lot of iambs in his plays. The iamb is the reverse of the trochee.

Also, Iambic pentamer, a type of meter in poetry, in which there are five iambs to a line ( the prefix "penta-" means five, as in pentagon, a geometrical figure with five sides.Meter refers to a rhythmic units. In a line of iambic pentameter, there are five rhythmic units that are iambs.) Shakespeare's plays were written mostly in iambic pentameter, which is the most common type of meter in English poetry. An example of an iambic pentameter line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is " But soft!/ What light/through yon/der win/dow breaks?" ( the stressed syllables are in bold.)

Courtly poetry

With the consolidation of Elizabeth's power, a genuine court sympathetic to poetry and the arts in general emerged. This encouraged the emergence of a poetry aimed at, and often set in, an idealised version of the courtly world.

Among the best known examples of this are Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene, which is effectively an extended hymn of praise to the queen, and Philip Sidney's Arcadia. This courtly trend can also be seen in Spenser's Shepheardes Calender. This poem marks the introduction into an English context of the classical pastoral, a mode of poetry that assumes an aristocratic audience with a certain kind of attitude to the land and peasants. The explorations of love found in the sonnets of William Shakespeare and the poetry of Walter Raleigh and others also implies a courtly audience.

Elizabethan verse drama

Elizabethan verse drama is widely considered to be one of the major achievements of literature in English, and its most famous exponent, William Shakespeare, is revered as the greatest poet in the language. This drama, which served both as courtly masque and popular entertainment, deals with all the major themes of contemporary literature and life.

There are plays on European, classical, and religious themes reflecting the importance of humanism and the Reformation. There are also a number of plays dealing with English history that may be read as part of an effort to strengthen the British national myth and as artistic underpinnings for Elizabeth's resistance to the Spanish and other foreign threats. A number of the comic works for the stage also use bucolic themes connected with the pastoral genre.

In addition to Shakespeare, other notable dramatists of the period include Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker and Ben Jonson.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sayings of the wise

These sayings are all the wisdom of the wise men read from the East and West over the centuries, serves a believer and wisdom required Ibgaha from all over the world gathered for these words and try to Tfiedkm beneficial to me
We hate the selfishness of others ... and forget that this is the finished selfishness .. Anis Mansour
There is the death of selfishness .. Lies true happiness .. Buddha
Like me who taught me life
Who hate me and taught me caution
And who do not care taught me selfish .. Ali Amin
That failure does not destroy but poor self .. The self is strong to take several of its failure to success .. It is the hope of a strong dust Sdaha as a new dust shell sea pearl Sdaha .. Mohammed Thabet
I thank God for my success in all that was the result of my failure Mpetkrati! David Humphrey
Failure is the only thing that man can achieve without any effort .. Wise Old
I do not know the rules of success but the most important rule for failure to satisfy all the people .. Anis Mansour
Bitter to fail .. And more bitter than that do not try to succeed .. Geoffroy
Success does not require an excuse .. And the failure does not leave any justification .. Napoleon Hill
We fail when we decide that we have failed .. If as long as we try we have the chance of success .. The wisdom of old
Man may fail repeatedly in his work but is not disappointed, but if started blaming other .. Bernard Shaw
Concern is that the sun sets today under the clouds of tomorrow .. Alheito Baddisa
What despair seized for the nation, but not Akhamlha mixer, but weakened by the people of the hearts .. Sheikh Mustafa Ghalayini
Not arrogant, and that you are rich do not give up and lost everything .. Alheito Baddisa
Zombie is the one who does not walk in the sun so as not to drag his shadow behind him .. Anis Mansour
Laziness is to get used to rest before fatigue overtakes you ... philosopher
Brain sluggard plant devil .. Such as English
Laziness ride poverty .. Such as English
If you are lazy in the age of twenty Vststagdi in the age of forty .. Wise Old
Vacuum from the dead, and would engage in the neighborhoods would be estimated alive then do so .. Philosopher
The secret of bile that you will have the time and space to think were happy or not ... Bernard Shaw

Compensate the loss, but all the time .. Mahmoud Kamel unique
Time and tide waited for no one .. Such as English
Not in the hour of time, but one word is now .. Wise
Of wasted money and diligence recover lost knowledge of the lesson, and recover lost recovered his health and medicine either does not waste his time is estimated to recover by the media .. Samuel Smills
There is still time in the most precious moments of the past, its impact .. Dean Alford
Half of what dream it was possible that we get it .. If we did not spend half our time in their dreams .. Anis Mansour
Waste our time to save money and waste our money to save time .. Anis Mansour
The success of the corner of owning the human subject that wants to succeed it does not happen, but the lesson and effusion permanent .. Ddhiraúala
Make sure you donated on the death of life .. Abu Bakr
The best talent of reason .. Calamities and evil of ignorance .. Ibn al-
Young people something amazing .. Unfortunately, he was endowed for young adults without .. Balzac
Who is the happiest of human beings? Is the one who appreciates the talents of others and share in Gbtthm as if his happiness .. Goethe
Azmat Ali to be diligent to the ultimate goal because I know that I have no talent .. Reynolds
Some people wills than words comes the much esteemed Makarim .. Mutanabi
If they then do your determination of fatigue whip .. Andre Rifuar
Smart to be stupid for some time .. Philosopher
Another intelligence to hide your intelligence .. Anis Mansour
Nothing in this world is Slim your intelligence and stupidity of others .. Bruguiere is not
The true way to deceive oneself is the belief that he is smarter than the others .. Such as French
Like a river of intelligence, the more depth I Daudhaah .. Bacon
Genius is that notes the apparent blind thing about the others .. Lewis Tucker
There is no great genius and the only thing crazy .. Aristotle
Genius is to know that the night before it is guided by the idea that the world the next day .. Joe fled
May think the young man thinks himself wise as himself awake drunk .. Chester Field
Be faithful to the dreams of young people ... .. Schiller
Fifty .. Aging young people but young age .. Victor Hugo
Young people the most important chapters written .. In the book of human life .. Princess fatalism Hussein
Not delay the work of your day to Gdk .. Omar ibn al-Khattab
Pessimistic makes the opportunities that have the difficulties .. The optimist is one of the difficulties of making seize opportunities .. Wise
Lansana optimist sees a light that does not exist .. The pessimist sees an idiot light does not believe him .. Byron
Who do not cry .. Do not know the meaning of the smile .. Ali Amin
Be defeated if the smile .. Lose the thrill of victory .. Shakespeare
Napoleon Bonaparte is contained in three on three
Who said do not appreciate .. Said to him, tried to
It is said I do not know .. Said to him, you know
It is said impossible .. Said it a try
It was said to Napoleon Bonaparte once said the Alps towering prevent your progress ... he must be wiped out of earth!!!!
The word impossible does not exist except in dictionaries insane .. Napoleon
Poor thing needs to .. And Scrooge needs to everything .. Anis Mansour
Life is the opportunity that we do not know .. Only after the lose .. Sheikh Mohammed Metwally Alharoaa
Life above all creeds .. Continued to all of them .. Mostafa Mahmoud
More days, a loss of life .. Day did not laugh man it .. Chamfor
Life .. Child should Mlatefth .. Even sleep .. Voltaire
Life is not a war between emotion .. And mind .. Menard
Life passes quickly but nonetheless weigh in passing .. Chateaubriand
The fear of life has become more widespread evil of the terrors of death .. Etienne-ray
Death to Evrq between the groups .. More dispersed than life .. Etienne-ray
Life story told by an idiot .. Noisy and noise ... and not have a meaning .. Shakespeare
Desire .... Half-life .. Indifference and lack of ..... Half to death ... Khalil Gibran
Life, such as onions .. Crust under the crust, and nothing but tears in the end .. Anis Mansour
A life without friends .. Funeral without mourners .. Anis Mansour
If you want to be successful, victorious in your life .. You must look and act and think and speak Kvath .. Do not like someone who is about to defeat .. Marden
- Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step - such as Chinese
- Some people succeed because they are lucky ... but the most successful have succeeded because they were determined to it - Henry van Dijk
- The secret of success to be faithful to your goals - Benjamin
- Wise person makes opportunities more than it finds - Francis Bacon
- To Atantzer appropriate circumstances, you should be made of the circumstances - Jojrien
- No one can Asbak success ... but you - Ralph Aldamerson
- The biggest weakness lies in giving up, and most proven methods for success is to try again - Thomas Edison
- How you can access to the top and your thoughts, your aspirations much simpler than that? - Bruce Barton
- To Atkhc progress slowly .... but what should really fear that is to remain fixed in place - such as Chinese
- The greatest error committed by man .. is the fear of making mistakes - Albert Hubbard
- How many of the opportunities presented themselves to us, but we Anlhzaa - Antoine Chekhov
- To defeat the Atqa Annsan unless it is allowed - Jusyvz Dunlaz
- From Iron only mistakes people; Aabgeson but they are about - Thomas Fuller
- In the game of life ... the less important things; that the result will be in the middle of the Match -
- Determine your destination ... is all Matanajh to reach them - Carl Frederick
- We Anevkr in defeat ... but the prospects of victory - Queen Victoria
- Each year the Orchestra ezine convincing that the waste of life lies in the lack of love for others and the potential in us did not take them - Mary Kolmondela
- Our positions in life to determine the amount of success Mansl
- Obstacles are Mastrah when turning your eyes on your goal
- The only constraint on our understanding of ... tomorrow is our doubts of today - Franklin D.. Roosevelt
- Position is not important ... but the important thing is Matsnah of it - good - any - Dnger
- The fate of one is not a matter of luck or coincidence ... but a matter of choice
Sit or Sroerkd; do anything but feel free - Chalzach Kalstad
Be you who makes the ideal for others - ...
- Must be designed strongly to do anything and be the best what I did
- A strange thing about life, if you Marfdt to accept only the best of things .. you will get them in most cases - Somerset Maugham
- You have to remember that every failure can be a step towards
Something to achieve something better - Colonel Harland Sndorz
- To Atatmd on luck ... but based on your management style of things - Beleles Cyrus
- Make the most of adversity ... men - Richard - Nixon
Enjoy the failure .. Do not be a failure .. Marden
Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm .. Churchill
If the thought of all the successful and failed in a problem
The successful think of the solution,
And the failed thinking of the problem, .. Abraham Lincoln
Greatest error committed by human .. is the fear of making mistakes -
Albert Hubbard
Life without the challenges of life should not be that we live .. Socrates
If they began certainty it will end to doubt, but if satisfied that it starts will end uncertainty to certainty ... Bacon

Monday, June 18, 2012

my blog

Hi friends this blog and I started this in the blogosphere is there to help me and guide me to the wide world of blogging, cooperation and interdependence and the extension of love in every time and place of your friend forever.