Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reasons for inactivity

Important information

 Reasons for inactivity

In this issue we present common reasons (of disease) deplete the body's energy, also show some tips on how to overcome them.

Frequent sitting and watching TV addiction
Sitting in one position for a long period of time can deplete energy, even if the person is watching television or using the computer, it is equivalent inactivity sleeping body.
Solution: should be a lot of Altmguet or Altmtt, and that person stands and walks away from the office or couch; took frequent breaks make a person alert and activity.

Bad body positions

Consumes a lot of energy to be in a position erection. A lot of the wrong body positions or bad, such as relaxing on the bench and the curve of the body makes the spine in a tilted position or inconsistent. The more money the spine, muscle consumed more energy to balance Milan.
Solution: Whether a person is moving or sitting or standing, should raise his head and not to bend forward, so that the ears are directly over your shoulders.

Severe dieting
These diets or diets harmful to the body, although it promotes energy to reduce excess weight; Valhmyat food low in calories, especially those that contain less than 850 calories a day, make a person feel tired, and can be detrimental to his health is another.
Solution: You can lose weight by eating healthy, and avoid unhealthy foods and high-sugar foods, and reduce the amount of food. The person should aim to lose no more than kilogram per week.

Inherent home

Easy to sit at home, especially for women who have a small child, and work from home or sitting at home because of the cold weather. But is lack of exposure to light and fresh air is a major cause of fatigue.
Solution: A person must walk out of the house for 10 minutes at least once a day if he felt tired. And even if the weather was cloudy, he would be the person to more natural light compared at home, and the person will feel more actively. Simply put, if the person was unable to get out, can be exposed to the sun in his room for a few minutes.

The breakfasts are made of sugar-sweetened cereals
These meals, such as grain processing and sweets, cakes, toast genitive some sugary products, will provide the person with a quick amount of energy and sugars. But will drop the level of sugar in the blood only hours after. The result depletion or depletion of energy from the body.
Solution: For a fixed amount of energy throughout the morning hours, you should eat breakfast contains unrefined starches. For example, you must prepare porridge at home, and add low-fat milk and a little honey to it, or eating breakfast meals prepared from whole grains, with the addition of sliced
​​fruit to it or eating an egg with toast that contains whole grains. Also prefer to try a person eating breakfast meals made from whole grains, which contain salts and sugars low.

Constant worry
If the person feels upset or discomfort or tension of a certain thing all day, it leads to increased heart rate and high blood pressure, muscle spasm, leading to fatigue and body aches.
Solution: prefer to devote time to reflect on concerns that occupy a person, with an attempt to think of positive solutions, then put the worries out of mind. As it is advisable to have an appointment the dentist, for example in the morning, so as not to spend the entire day, a person concerned.

Excessive exercise or physical activity
The regular exercise is good for health, but the performance of the exercises intensively day may not be a good thing for the level of energy in the body, especially if the person is a beginner or trying to get back to fitness.
Solution: resting for a full day among a group of days in which a person exercises sport. But preferably not leave the person exercising for more than two or three days, because that leads to the abandonment of this habit

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