Sunday, July 1, 2012

Higher income jobs in Google

Google loves its engineers, so it is not surprising that engineers  of higher income among the staff of the company. But there are several other functions in the company and that gets carried out of the salaries and benefits competitive.
Mention that the number of employees in all offices across the world 33.077 Google employees working full time. The following are a list of jobs with higher incomes annually at Google and some may surprise you, and salaries per year according to the website glassdoor specialized functions.
20 - Assistant to the Sales and Operations: Salary: $ 50,200
Falls account managers and sales at the lowest ladder higher-income jobs in the company. And is located aide those managers ranked the lowest of them.
19 - Assistant program Adword: Salary: $ 53,538

Because Google's advertising program achieves a large portion of their profits, the assistant in charge of this platform is distinguished from the other sections assistants, but still these people earn half of what engineers.
18 - Account Manager: Salary: $ 68,188
Account Manager is responsible for the relations between sales and marketing with customers old and well known. And works most of the sales team at Google headquarters in New York.
17 - Business Analyst: Salary: $ 80,510
Although there are dozens of software applications that are used for the analysis of financial operations, but that Google still insists on the use of humans professional staff to ensure the smooth flow of funds to the company. This function shall deal with the numbers so dramatically from the incumbent require high precision.

16 - Software Engineer Trainee: Salary: $ 82,488
These are only the slightest engineers they are getting better salaries than those responsible for the sales and marketing. Software engineer intern at Google gets the highest in comparison to that of other companies.
15 - Network Engineer: Salary: 87219
Responsible for most of the jobs in the company, the task of engineer networks to ensure that everything inside the corporate network is working properly and connect all devices and access without any conflicts.
14 - the user interface designer: Salary: $ 87,661
There is no doubt that the designers have a high value of technology companies in general, but some companies such as Google pay more for engineers than designers.
13 - President of Account Manager: Salary: $ 89,778
Some account managers get higher salaries of engineers, trainees, but not higher than the traditional software engineers. But still a good salary
12 - Director of databases: Salary: $ 94,420
Google has a huge amount of data that must be up to them and use them on a permanent basis in order to maintain speed in the presentation of relevant search results.
13 - Reliability Engineer Location: Salary: $ 94,934
You can lose thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of dollars if you stop your work even for seconds, and Google as well and probably will lose more, so you must work on a permanent location or closer to the sustainability and maintaining the flow at the speed of the search.
10 - User Experience Researcher: Salary: $ 95,320
While the user interface designers working in the form of products and how they will look to the user, but the researchers and the experience of working on the user to know how Google would feel about user products. In this way, Google reveals any design fits the product and support it.
9 - a software engineer: Salary: $ 103,436
All are preparing for the whole Google, these engineers are working on completing all the tasks that require programming for all Google products, such as searching and even Android.
8 - Financial Analyst: Salary: $ 104,819
This differs from the role of the analyst for a business analyst, it is the most prominent functions ensure the establishment of a quick and appropriate reports on the financial situation of each product for the company, how many wins, how lost, how much it costs, how much need funding and so on.
7 - Product Marketing Manager: Salary: $ 106,667
Marketing Manager determines what customers want from the company's products and marketed them. This function requires the skills of the largest in the search.
6 - Research software engineer: Salary: $ 116,593
Google also employs engineers to search for new projects that may be entered into by the company.
5 - Research Engineer: Salary: $ 117,900

Google also employs engineers research projects not only software but also hardware for projects and equipment such as computers and glasses for example, recently Google
4 - Sales Engineer: Salary: $ 118,710
Sales engineers help customers to solve the Google main problems they face no matter what product you are working on it. This is very important for companies that run applications such as Google Mail Lalji Mile.
3 - Product Manager: Salary: $ 119,495
Product managers is the focal point of all projects of Google, they are dealing with the sales department and software engineers and marketing managers and their relationship with each part of the development of any product.
Some of the best products, Google does not put to public use without a good product manager.
2 - a research scientist: Salary: $ 121,547
Google also employs a number of scientists in the laboratory sections. Google is working on a permanent basis on a number of side projects such as self-driving car that needs to scientists doing research and testing and development. It also works in the field of engineering data and to develop smarter models for research.
1 - Director of Software Architects: Salary: $ 139,084
As we have said that Google engineers like they are the basis of the company, it is natural to be a director of the highest salary of engineers in the career ladder in the company. Engineer and begins his work in the company as a trainee with the sophistication and experience gets promoted to double his salary on the salary of the first work in the company.
If you ask for CEO Eric Schmidt, Google or the founders of both Brian Sergey or Larry Page, you must know that their salary of just $ 1 .. Yes, just $ 1, and since 2004, earning this annual salary. But! ..
Each of them on an annual compensation of the high value of the shares in the company Imlkoha, for example, sued Eric Schmidt's total compensation last year for $ 101 million, the highest 300% of compensation in 2010. So payroll above belong to the staff and not senior management.

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